Tuesday, September 29, 2009
On the Web!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
All in a day's work...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
In other news...
Woo! What a fun order!
"Strawberry with lots of color. That's all I want!"
Red, pink, blue, green, yellow...
Pretty darn cute!
Confession: I was in the middle of making chocolate cake balls, had the cake all baked, and got stuck! I just didn't want to make buttercream! Saw some apples... and some bananas...
...4 loaves of banana bread and 3 loaves of apple bread later, I did get my buttercream made, and had some yummy bread to give out to friends to boot! :)
Here's the recipes for the breads:
Autumn Apple Bread
1/2 c. butter or margarine
1 c. brown sugar
1 egg, beaten
2 c. peeled and diced apples, moistened with lemon juice
1/3 c. chopped nuts (optional)
1/2 c. chopped raisins/dates (optional)
2 c. flour
2 ts. baking powder
1 ts. cinnamon
1/2 ts. nutmeg
1/2 ts. salt
1/2 c. sour milk (to sour, add 1/2 ts. vinegar to room temp milk, let curdle)
Cream together butter and sugar and add beaten egg, stir in fruit and nuts. Sift together dry ingredients and add alternately with milk. Place in a loaf pan; let stand for 10 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees F until cooked, about 1 hour (Check after 25 minutes... I'm pretty sure mine baked a lot quicker than an hour). Serve plain or buttered!
Sweet Banana Bread
1 3/4 all-purpose flour
1 1/4 ts. baking powder
1/2 ts. baking soda
3/4 ts. salt
1 (3oz) package cook & serve vanilla pudding mix
1 ts. cinnamon
2/3 c. white sugar
1/2 c. shortening
2 eggs
2 Tb. milk
1 1/3 c. mashed ripe banana
1/3 c. chocolate chips (or more :)
1. In a small bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, soda, salt, and vanilla pudding mix. In a large mixing bowl, beat sugar and shortening until light, scraping sides of the bowl often. Add the eggs one at a time, beating smooth after each addition. Mix in the milk.
2. Add flour mixture and mashed bananas alternately to creamed mixture, beating until smooth after each addition. Fold in chocolate chips or walnuts if desired. Pour batter into a lightly greased 8X4" loaf pan.
3. Bake at 350 until tests done (forgot to time it, sorry! Check it after 15 or 20 minutes)
Take some time to celebrate today!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Peanut Butter Cupcakes
Chocolate Peanut Butter cupcakes with Chocolate buttercream.
I made two dozen Peanut Butter Cupcakes and two dozen confetti cupcakes for this birthday order. I love making confetti cupcakes. They're always so cheerful!
Happy birthday to the birthday boy!
Today I made 40 marbled cupcakes for my amazing neighbor who's starting this season's piano lessons this week. They were my first marbled cupcakes and took a little experimenting, but
A swirl with the knife, and they're ready to bake!
I think they're so pretty! And better yet, you don't have to choose between chocolate and white.
Purely for research reasons, I had to cut one and see what the marbled inside looked like... and tasted like... :)
I topped them with vanilla buttercream and gumpaste music notes I made a few days ago. Voila! I'm calling them Marbled Mozart.
I'll be baking and cooking for the 'Just Joy' women's retreat next weekend, and so I practiced making baby cupcakes (if you have cakes, then smaller are cupcakes, are these teacupcakes?).
Here's mom:
One of my goals with As You Wish is to bring sweetness to people's lives, not just by sheer quantity of sugar but also through deeper encouragement.
I know that everyone has a different story, is at a different stage of life. Some are celebrating new life, others are mourning the loss of life or the loss of a relationship. Some are laughing, others weeping. I know that, at some point, heartbreak falls on every heart.
No matter what your story is, I want to share this encouragement with you:
"For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a might savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs." Zephaniah 3:17
Monday, September 7, 2009
Paints & Pints
I am woman, hear me roar!
With lots of help (thanks, Dad!) we got the bathroom done in two days! Woo hoo!
Last night I also went out to our
...thus, salsa! I made a half batch of this recipe from recipezaar. Here's what I did:
I n g r e d i e n t s
* 6 c u p s d i c e d t o m a t o e s ( d o n o t r e m o v e s s k i n s o r s e e d s )
* 1 or 2 l a r g e y e l l o w b e l l p e p p e r s , s m a l l d i c e d
* 1 l a r g e g r e e n b e l l p e p p e r , s m a l l d i c e d
* 1 l a r g e o n i o n , f i n e d i c e d ( o r r u n t h r o u g h f o o d p r o c e s s o r )
* 2 l a r g e j a l a p e n o p e p p e r s , f i n e l y d i c e d w i t h s e e d s r e m o v e d
* 1 t a b l e s p o o n s s a l t
* 1 / 4 c u p s u g a r
* 1 / 4 c u p t o m a t o s a u c e
* 1 /2 c u p b o t t l e d l i m e j u i c e
* 2 t e a s p o o n s m i n c e d g a r l i c ( I u s e t h e j a r r e d m i n c e d g a r l i c )
* 1 1/2 t a b l e s p o o n s c i l a n t r o , p a s t e ( a v a i l a b l e i n f r e s h h e r b s e c t i o n o f g r o c e r y )
D i r e c t i o n s
1 . D i c e t o m a t o s a n d p l a c e i n f i n e m e s h c o l a n d e r t o d r a i n e x t r a j u i c e / w a t e r .
2 . W h i l e t o m a t o s a r e d r a i n i n g , d i c e r e m a i n i n g v e g e t a b l e s a n d p l a c e i n l a r g e p o t .
3 . A d d s a l t , s u g a r , t o m a t o s a u c e , a n d g a r l i c .
4. S t i r c i l a n t r o p a s t e i n t o l i m e j u i c e a n d s t i r t o b r e a k u p p a s t e . A d d t o m a t o s t o p o t a n d s t i r w e l l .
5 . B r i n g j u s t t o a b o i l , t h e n l a d l e i n t o containers. Sample the warm salsa—it’s really good!
I don't have a canner, but I followed this up to step 5 and it's wonderful! It made about 2 pints of salsa.
Have a great Labor Day!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
...cake helps :)
Today I'm finding joy in red nail polish, dancing squirrels, and sugar-covered smiles. I love being in such a happy business! These are photos from a cake delivery a few weeks ago. If I make you some cake/cupcakes/etc., send me a photo and you can be a blogstar!
I also made these gumpaste music notes as my dear friend and neighbor (and my piano teacher, llama whisperer and prairie expert) is starting up her fall season of teaching piano. They'll be the toppers for cupcakes for her students.